Our Beloved and Sacred Sun

Ontological research to re-establish the Human - Sun relationship


you wake up,
our sun shines high in the sky,
you feel the light gently touches your face.
listen to the sun’s wisdom, it whispers to you.


Solar Idol

A series of Light Sculpture, depicting an Idol of Solar Analemma;
an anthropomorphized Sun taking shape in ancient/modern object symbiosis;
An artifact of an unknown place and an unknown time,
and yet radiating the light, warmth and feelings that are oddly familiar, positive and comforting.


Solar Idol #01
Light Sculpture

Solar Idol #02

Solar Idol #04
Light Sculpture

Solar Idol #05
Light Sculpture

Solar Idol 05, time-lapse
Egg-yolk & Collagen Biopolymer, Electronic & Light components

360 mm x 260 mm x 80 mm

appx. 1,5 kg

Project Inquire

Autonomous work
Summer 2022 - Ongoing

with special thanks to barbara doroszuk, anna jurdzi jurgielewicz,
and kate chelchowska